Stop Comparing Yourself To Others And Live A Dream Life
Stop Comparing Yourself To Others And Live A Dream Life
Stop comparing yourself to others and live a dream life. How many times a day do you compare yourself to another person? You may be surprised at how often we wish or dream into being someone else, or want what they have. We often end up living an idealistic life based on the happenings around us.
It is so easy to rely on other people to define us or determine our happiness. Do you ever see a nice car, a big house or the front page of People magazine at the grocery store check out? Is there a little voice deep in your soul that says, “I wish I had what they have?”
Without intention, we start to inject this wish into our own personal existence. It begins to taint everything around us, as we compare everything. You may wish your kids won the award at the program. We even become rude, insensitive and hurtful. “The kid that got the award is a jerk anyway,” a parent might say. “His dad pulled strings to get him the award,” one might add.
These are all ploys to make yourself feel better about what you internally wish or need. Something inside of you is questioning yourself as you seek to improve your own self-image and identity. Don’t worry, you’re not alone and there is something you can do to overcome this “normal” behavior.
Embrace and accept yourself. I invite you to no longer question who you are, or why you’re here. Do you think God didn’t want you to be who you are? Do you think down deep that you don’t deserve greatness? Have you chased dreams and goals to keep up with others? Time to realize how great it is to be you.
Don’t wonder what God was doing when he designed you. He knew exactly what he was and is doing with you. It is us who gets in the way. We start to dream into others and sabotage what we are designed to do and be.
You’re missing out on a wonderful opportunity and secret to unlocking your true potential. BE YOU! This does not mean it will all be easy. The road of being one’s best is not paved in perfection. However, don’t hide from your imperfections, as this is what may make you perfect. You are meant to be you, not someone else.
You are wasting precious moments by idealizing and comparing yourself to others. Simply compare yourself to yourself. I am certainly not telling you to not dream or seek more in your life. It is just a major mistake to want to be someone else. While your trying or hoping to be someone else, you just missed who you are. Don’t allow others to determine your dreams, goals or self-worth.
Go show the world who you are and why you are here. Seek self-improvement and no longer avoid the work you can do to better yourself. Comparing yourself will only lead to frustration, jealousy, envy and the desire for instant gratification.
Your dreams will come true. It may not be in the timing that you would choose, but quitters never win.
Keep going, but don’t fill your days with trying to prove something to others. Prove to yourself how thankful you are to be alive. Imagine becoming someone else, only to realize you don’t want to be them. Comparing doesn’t stop.
Once you get what you think is satisfaction, you will question that too. You have a purpose in life, which won’t be revealed through a comparing lens. So it is now time to dream YOUR big dream.
Do this simple exercise:
Write down what is uniquely you.
What are you good at?
If you had no fear, what would you do?
Most of all, let go of what others are doing.
Replace comparing with compassion.
If you do anything in regards to others, celebrate them. The next time you see someone that has what you want be it physical, emotional, spiritual or material; congratulate them. Then, if you feel your walk is leading to something similar in your life, set a goal. Avoid sitting around talking about it or tethering yourself to others. Get busy! Stop comparing yourself to others and live a dream life
If someone comes up and tells you they just won the very prize you desired, congratulate them. Go back to working on your best as they may be congratulating you next time. Be the person you wish others to be, and don’t expect them to be there when you win.
It is very dangerous to set out only for attention or to please others. You don’t need their approval. Although I am not a preacher, I do know the #1 best selling book of all time is the Bible. Let’s set you free with this verse, “6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand:” Philippians 4;6-7.
Everyone desires a vacation where you don’t have to do much. If you take a cruise, you don’t have to navigate the ship….(we hope). That is the captain’s job. You get to sit out on the deck, sip a favorite drink and relax. That is if you choose to do this and trust the captain.
Truth is, despite how you may see it, you have a captain at all times. Life is a vacation. It doesn’t mean we just get to sit around, but we can trust a higher power to navigate our “life ship.” TRUST YOUR CAPTAIN!
Your story is just as interesting as the one on the cover of People magazine, so go write and live out your next chapter. I’m sorry if someone along your journey said hurtful things or derailed your self-image. I am even more sorry if you chose to believe them. We all find ourselves in the middle between wishing and working.
Time to put yourself to work doing what you love to do and what makes you happy.
Start with saying this simple phrase, “I’M GLAD I’M ____________________(your name). Repeat it everyday and often.
If you find yourself comparing and are struggling to find your true potential or unlock your gifts, please don’t hesitate to allow me to assist. I offer a FREE audio training on my website @ I’m looking forward to meeting YOU, hearing your story and developing your dream life….not someone else’s. Stop comparing yourself to others and live a dream life
Click “Work With Me” now to get started. New Day. New Life. New You!
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Jeremy Arno
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